GraceMed Family Clinic at Gordon Parks Academy
Thanks to The Downing Family Foundation’s generous support, GraceMed established a school-based clinic at Gordon Parks Academy in 2008. Even though it is school-based, the GraceMed Family Clinic at Gordon Parks Academy provides primary medical and dental hygiene services not only for its students but other children, adults and seniors within the surrounding community.
This clinic is a vital part of its community and has enabled GraceMed to further its mission, particularly for the uninsured or underinsured.
Services available and/or provided include:
- Preventative oral health care services (e.g. cleanings, fluoride varnish, sealants)
- Referrals to GraceMed’s main dental clinic and/or private dentists for restorative care
- Wellness and prevention services (e.g. developmental screenings [including behavioral health], pap smears, breast exams, prostate checks)
- Disease and chronic disease management (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, sexually transmitted disease)
- Urgent and acute care (e.g. ENT infections, colds, flu, childhood diseases, sprains)
Physicals (e.g. sports, KanBe Healthy, well-child checks, immunizations)
The overwhelming majority of GraceMed’s patients are fully employed, but do not have employer-based health insurance (either they or their employer cannot afford the high cost of health insurance premiums). The working poor are those in our community who struggle to pay their bills. Often, seeking health care is a low priority until it becomes unavoidable. GraceMed accepts Medicare, KanCare and most commercial insurance. People without health insurance are charged for services on a sliding fee scale based on household income.
GraceMed is grateful for The Downing Family Foundation’s support that helped establish a school-based clinic at Gordon Parks Academy and looks forward to continuing to provide much needed healthcare in our community.
Submitted by:
Blair Powell
Director of Development
GraceMed Health Clinic, Inc.
(Click each photo to enlarge)
“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being,
let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” ~William Penn